Voice samples

The audio samples below, approved for disclosure, demonstrate voice changes achieved by some of the TGNC clients of New York Speech & Voice Lab. All of the follow-up samples reflect improvement from training only: No voice surgery and no salient voice changes from testosterone during the time of recording, i.e., the client had not started testosterone, just started testosterone, or had already experienced effects of testosterone long before. All clients below have their own individual sense of their gender identity (binary or non-binary), speaking demands, and goals that they met. Keeping in mind that there is no one perfect voice or one way to sound, let these samples, which are in no particular order, serve as a snippet of both common and diverse voice patterns that can result from training. Each person is reading a portion of “The Rainbow Passage,” which is a text commonly used in voice assessment, from Grant Fairbanks’s 1960 Voice and Articulation Drillbook:

“When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act as a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colors. These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above and it’s two ends apparently beyond the horizon.”

Transfeminine speakers

Transmasculine speakers